Check out the latest music video produced by Altitude FX, 'Hipster Apocalypse' by X24 Music.
Director & Cinematographer: Daniel Luke Fitch
Editor: Justice Whitaker
The video was shot entirely in Santa Fe, NM, except for 2nd Unit material used as background plates. RED Camera, greenscreen studio, compositing, and color correction was provided by Altitude FX.
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Blog Posts
Altitude FX has contributed to two PBS documentaries being broadcast nationwide this winter...Dec 9, 2013
Yesterday, we became the first outfit in New Mexico to fly a 4K camera - in this case, our RED Scarlet.Nov 15, 2013
We our proud to announce that Altitude FX's submission has been named the Grand Prize winner...July 2, 2013
Check out this awesome piece in Wired Magazine about our work on the NASA Curiosity descent video!August 22, 2012